
Window Set up

There are currently 3 pre-installed window modes, although it is possible to create your own (It's only a simple bit of python!) or you could install one provided by other users.

Pre-installed mods

Desktop Mode

Desktop mode places all the plugins into one Window, using top aligned tabs to switch between, it also places the Runescape Website/Applet in a borderless, maximised window, which temporarily replaces the Desktop.

This mode is best for people who want FullScreen RS, but want to use other windows, like IM clients or the Runewin plugins, Set the Runescape App up to display in Resizable mode, and you'll have a very-close-to full screen RS acting as your desktop layer

Paned Mode

Paned mode puts all the plugins and the RS Website/Applet into one window, side by side, with plugins again stacked into a tab along the top.

Window Mode

Window mode places all the plugins into one Window, using top aligned tabs to switch between, it also places the Runescape Website/Applet in another window.

Creating your own

Installing from another user's creation

[to do]

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